Some photo's of a Turban I was asked to make for a Film recently and the end result - it only took 5 meters of fabric (!) and lots of tension (and pins). While I was draping the fabric I twisted it and kind of 'rolled' the fabric around my trusty metal hat stretcher which has been is heavy enough to create the tension I needed to manipulate the fabric. My hat stretcher is in very good condition and has been with me for many years now and never complains ! The rolls of fabric were all hand sewn in place as the turban had to be able to be removed over and over again and still look like to was freshly tied on the head, a fairly typical request for film and television work ! Difficult but not impossible.
What do you think did I do a good job?
Note : my lovely lady mannequin is far too delicate of head and face to show this turban off well really. If only we had a big burly unshaven man with a knife clutched in his teeth to see the proper effect or perhaps Peter O'Toole or Omar Sharif in 'Lawrence of Arabia' !