Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Celebrities Wear Julie Fleming at Melbourne Spring Racing 2013

 Derby Day 2013 Melbourne, the lovely DJ Georgia Sinclair above (with friend), and photo's below wears classic 'Black Feather Hat' by Julie Fleming. Lavazza Australia.

Below : Bon Jovi's Richie Sambora with the lovely @georgiasinclair
 wearing 'Black Swan Headband' by Julie Fleming Melbourne — at Flemington Racecourse and Victoria Racing Club Melbourne Cup Day 2013, Lavazza Australia Marque.

Monday, November 4, 2013

The Guardian Australia 2013

Read the full article here, so nice to have Editorial this time of the year, thanks again to my lovely customer Ondrea for all her help on the day and Paul from The Guardian for his great photo's.

all photo's by Paul Jeffers for The Guardian Australia