Hand Covered headband

The base for many a fine headband, I use silk with beaded tulle overlay to achieve this 'lush' look, above is the finished design.
You only get to see a small amount of detail however the whole shape and look would be very different on a flat band.
This is the latest in customers own fabric, below.

Often the beading has to be re attached as below.
I tie off the ends of the beading to make sure that they do not shift
or drop off while being worn, as below.
An earlier post you will remember this is how I hand cover
the flatter metal bands in petersham.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Oh La La Sculptural Feather Hat

the finished product covered in back glossy feathers....oh la la....
......a fine hat !

decide on the shape - I have used my trusty poupe (milliners mannequin) to help me decide on the shape detail, note the pins holding all in place while the felt dries on the poupe......

above sew well in the corners the wire will be bound with petersham or velvet eventually to cover completely

the shape is wired (I have used white wire so that you can see what I am doing but normally I would use black wire) to keep it's shape and note the detail on the tight corners - easiest to bend the wire to fit and sew well at corners.......