Friday, April 30, 2010


would love to do similar in my window but maybe more problematic than my recent log window.......

Scenes from the shop

please note : no silver birch was harmed in the making of this window

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Two very fine quality vintage Borsalino velour felts came my way and I just wanted to share their beauty. The ruby red one has already sold to a lovely petite client with grey/white hair and the colour looks sensational on her. I still have the very dark green one here to make and am just contemplating the design..................

Friday, April 9, 2010

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Some Vintage Inspiration

This is classic vintage and I love the look. I often have a client ask for this style of hat and........ for all out there the correct name for this hat style is a pillbox (not a Pillar Box! that's a letter box !) Hard to wear well and this one works well because the flowers add softness to the sides of the otherwise rigid style.